Sunday, July 29, 2012

You Are Not Me~So Don't Tell Me Who to be

This is the song that totally express my feelings through its lyrics
"I hate to break it to you, ...but I' m not drowning"
"Who cares if you disagree, you are not me".....
"So you dare tell me who to be? who died and made....."

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Is You Force Me to Do This for You!!!!Motherfucker...

I never been this rude before...but you had succeed to force me to say such things for you!!!!!
You had spoilt my weekend again and again!!!!
Last Saturday and Sunday rush the stuffs for you...
This week is the same again!!! Besides, this is the last mins brief for me...
This is you and your client communication not mine...
Why everything is last mins...never prepare anythings for me...
always ask me wait wait and wait....
Bastard~do you think I am a doctor? Always on call 36 hours?? Your client still act slow to give me the copy!!!!!

I had my plan on Saturday and you spoilt it...always ask me to standby at HOME!!!
Idiot~I had my plan to go somewhere...while you attend a talk now!!!!then how's is my stuffs?? wait till late of afternoon??Fuck off!!!!How's My afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have no life but don't think and make me that I am same to you!!!I have my own life!!!!
You make yourself on being a working slave....but I'M NOT!!!!!
Motherfucker~~~~once you spoilt my weekend, it will totally sopilt my whole week in the office!!!
My passion spirit is not for you!!!!is for my boss~don't act like my boss!!!!!
Is your client problem~she is slow and last one will help her finish those rubbish on time~
TAT'S YOU BOTH PROBLEM!!!!!!!...Bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never spoilt my weekend again!!!if not I will just ignore what you give it to me "LAST MINUTES"....