Thursday, September 8, 2011

Keep Your Mouth Shut...Shut Up~

I am really in bad mood had totally influenced my day~!@#$^&*~
If you didn't contribute any things pls....just keep your mouth shut~
If you want to change anythings...pls do it urself and don't depend on me~
I am not free you....It is not only my job!!!ok!!!!!

Besides, I have given you a chance to try on it~but u are out of ideas about this....
blablabla.."what feeling dizzy"~
ok fine~i did you want me to sent my final file to you for changing~
if you can it yourself at first~

Don't flatter me once you know that i m angry~i hate that which is fake~~
I also had contributed the "thought"....but why you always just ignore what i said and agree others who also said the same "thought" of me.....
Am I not important or i am too kind to you here??I am just the one who is following what you said "just said without action"......
I am not a robot of you......
I didn't speak out~doesn't mean that you can order me~
I didn't try to grab the "glory"~doesn't mean that I didn't contribute anythings~

pls respect me and my "thought"
and don't flatter me with those fake praises~